Red Tide in Florida: Safety Tips for Older Travellers

Florida beach covered with atlantic seaweed

Author – Cynthia Ross Tustin December 3, 2023

Florida, known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant coastal life, occasionally experiences a natural phenomenon known as Red Tide. This blog post aims to educate older adults travelling to Florida about Red Tide, ensuring a safe and enjoyable visit.

What is Red Tide?

Red Tide refers to a higher-than-normal concentration of a microscopic alga, Karenia brevis, documented along Florida’s Gulf Coast since the 1840s. This organism produces toxins harmful to marine life and humans, making awareness and precaution essential​​.

Understanding the Impact

The toxins from Karenia brevis can cause respiratory irritation, such as coughing, sneezing, and tearing. In more severe cases, it may lead to skin irritation and burning eyes. However, it’s important to note that these symptoms are usually temporary and swimming in red tide-affected waters is generally safe for most people​​.

Staying Informed

The key to safely enjoying Florida’s beaches during a Red Tide is staying informed. Conditions can change daily, and not all beaches are affected. Regularly check the Mote Marine twice daily Beach Conditions Report or call the dedicated hotline for updates​​.

Levels of Red Tide and Risks

Red Tide levels vary from ‘Not Present’ to ‘High’. Each level carries different risks, ranging from no anticipated effects to respiratory irritation, fish kills, and water discoloration. Being aware of these levels helps in planning beach activities accordingly​​.

Special Precautions for Older Travelers

Older adults, especially those with severe or chronic respiratory conditions, should take extra precautions. This includes avoiding areas with high Red Tide levels and immediately leaving the beach if experiencing any irritation. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution​​.

Enjoying Florida’s Beaches Safely

Despite Red Tide, many people continue to enjoy Florida’s beaches. By staying informed and taking the necessary precautions, you can too. Look out for beach signage, stay updated on beach conditions, and know what to do if you experience any form of irritation.

Conclusion Red Tide in Florida is a natural occurrence that need not deter your travel plans. With the right information and precautions, older travellers can safely enjoy the stunning beaches Florida has to offer. Keep this guide in mind, and you’re set for a wonderful and safe beach experience in the Sunshine State.

Remember, safety and enjoyment go hand in hand. Happy travels!

Blog Author Cynthia Ross Tustin, retired
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Cynthia Ross Tustin retired early to pursue her passion for writing. Turns out, she's equally passionate about retirement! This author has spent 1000s of hours researching all the best that retirement has to offer. What you'll find here is a well-curated resource of amazing places to go and fun things to do as your retirement approaches. Not retired, no problem! There's plenty here for all of us that are "of a certain vintage"!